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Design Trends

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Aging at Home

As a senior adult or the child of an aging parent, housing considerations factor into a family’s long-term care and provision. Whether living independently or under your child’s roof, protecting yourself from falls becomes a growing challenge as the years pass. Since the senior’s safety is vital to sustained independence, let us look at a variety of home modifications that can provide a safer environment. These small, medium, and large adjustments may prevent further complications down the road....
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2019 Flooring Trends

Are you ready to brush off 2018 and charge into the New Year? Is it time to remodel or freshen up one or more rooms in your home? Let’s take a look at the upcoming flooring trends and layout some options from which you can choose. ...
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Eco-Friendly Resources

Eco-Friendly Building Resources

Often criticized for their harsh impact on resources and environments, the construction industry is moving toward the use of eco-friendly materials. Materials that are locally available provide a source of sustainability for some projects. Other materials require thought regarding the climate where they are used, so as to limit the degradation and replacement of the materials....
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Carpet vs Hardwood

Carpet or hardwood is a choice every new homebuilder will have to make, but as you prepare to replace or upgrade your home’s flooring, you must compare the two options as well. Let’s look at some of the costs associated with various types, consider options, and detail installation. COST AND TYPES Carpet fibers vary in type and cost....
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Interior Painting Prep

One of the easiest projects for homeowners is painting. With proper preparation and a little time, you can transform a room with a mere gallon of paint. The preliminary steps may keep you from slapping on paint as quickly as you would like, but this checklist will help your job go smoother in the end....
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Types of Wood

The wood you choose for your project will depend upon the project. Some wood works great for construction; other types work better for making furniture or instruments. Familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of these wood types in order to save yourself time and money. Wood is categorized as softwood or hardwood. Let’s look at some examples and features....
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