Carpet or hardwood is a choice every new home builder will have to make, but as you prepare to replace or upgrade your home’s flooring, you must compare the two options as well. Let’s look at some of the costs associated with various types, consider options, and detail installation.
Carpet fibers vary in type and cost. From nylon to wool to polyester, the options can range from $1.00 per square foot to $10.00 per square foot. Pile options can drive your price up from .75 cents to $8.50 per square foot. The variety of these types and options provides you with materials that are durable, stain-resistant, moisture-resistant, and useful in various medium- or high-traffic areas.
Wood floors vary in cost from $2.00 per square foot to $9.00 per square foot. A number of species give you options of maple, oak, pine, cork, or bamboo flooring. Several of these materials resist stains and moisture and are very hard and durable.
Carpet is a good choice for DIY installers, smaller budgets, bedrooms, low-traffic rooms, muffling sound, and softer floors.
Hardwood is perfect for living rooms and usually increases the resale value of your house. Hardwood is useful with radiant heating. Maintenance and repair costs are lower and these floor coverings provide increased sustainability and durability.
Pets and children are other factors to consider when deciding between carpet and hardwood. Allergy sufferers will find hardwood floors a better choice since they can be more easily and regularly cleaned than carpet.
Labor for installation on hardwood floors can run up to 4 times the cost for carpet. Hardwood flooring can be more detail-oriented in the installation process. Nevertheless, hardwood flooring has a better return on investment than carpet.
Carpet or hardwood does not have to be an either/or option for you. Instead, you can make different choices for each and every room in your home and enjoy the best of both materials.