We’re inching closer to spring, which means backyard barbecues and days at the pool are fast approaching. If you need to update your fence or just want to know how to keep up your fence maintenance, follow these tips.
Planning: The first step in planning your fence is deciding where it will go. Have your property surveyed, or reference your recent survey to find out where exactly your property lines are. Also check local codes to see what kind of guidelines you must follow, especially if you have a pool. Otherwise, consider what the goal of the fence is. Are you building a fence for decoration or for privacy and protection?
Building: The building process varies depending on your landscape and your goal, so it’s best to consult or hire a professional. Prior to installation, consider these tips
Maintaining: Painting, staining or sealing your wooden fence will protect it from the elements. In humid climates like Louisiana, fences should be treated every two years to prevent water damage. Keep sprinklers and plants away from wooden fences to prevent rotting or other damage. The less weight and moisture there is on a fence, the longer it will last.