A generator is a necessity in South Louisiana – whether for tailgating or inclement weather - but determining what type of generator you need is as tricky as choosing a favorite king cake flavor during Mardi Gras. Being without power for even a short period of time can be frustrating. With flooding, electrical storms, and natural disasters on the horizon, preparing now for a power outage can ease your stress in the moment. Look at these types of generators to help determine which one is right for your situation.
Home Standby Generators
These permanently installed devices provide power for your entire home or business. In case of an outage, the home standby generator automatically turns on. Fueled by propane or natural gas, this generator requires professional installation.
Portable Generators
The most popular generators are the various sized portable devices that provide power from tailgate parties to job sites to partial home devices. These power sources are versatile and mobile enough to easily move from one location to another and can be fueled by propane or gas. Some models even have electric or pull start capabilities.
Portable Inverter Generators
The portable inverter generators are quieter and smaller tailgate power sources. They provide a more consistent power source with fewer power surges, unlike some other generators. That feature makes this generator a great option for phones, TVs, and some appliances. The generator operates on propane or gas.
Determine the wattage needed
Before purchasing a generator, calculate the wattage from devices that will need to be powered. Maximum watts on a generator are for a limited amount of time to cover the initial surge of energy needed when first powering an appliance or device. Maximum watts and continuous watts of each device should be totaled to estimate the generator size needed.